monkeymonkeymonkeymonkey:pbs-docker childers$ ./ && ./ Info: Updating K8s branch Already on 'k8s_build' Your branch is up to date with 'origin/k8s_build'. Already up to date. Info: Building PBS Docker base OS image for childers/pbspro-centos7-base Info: Building Docker image for childers/pbspro-centos7-base Sending build context to Docker daemon 2.607kB Step 1/2 : FROM centos:7 ---> 5e35e350aded Step 2/2 : RUN yum install -y && yum clean all && yum repolist && yum install -y expat-devel gcc git hwloc-devel libedit-devel libical-devel libtool libX11-devel libXext libXft libXt-devel make ncurses-devel openssl-devel perl postgresql-contrib postgresql-devel python3 python3-devel python36-pytz.noarch python36-dateutil.noarch python36-nose.noarch python36-pexpect.noarch python36-defusedxml.noarch pexpect.noarch rpm-build swig tcl-devel tk-devel libtool-ltdl-devel libpcap-devel libnet valgrind pssh valgrind-devel expat libedit postgresql-server postgresql-contrib python3 postfix sudo tcl tk libical which man mlocate net-tools bind-utils openssh-server openssh-clients strace wget lsof vim && ssh-keygen -A && chgrp ssh_keys /etc/ssh/ssh_host*_key && chmod g+r /etc/ssh/ssh_host*_key ---> Using cache ---> f1c19a89906b Successfully built f1c19a89906b Successfully tagged childers/pbspro-centos7-base:latest Info: Bulding PBS Docker development image for childers/pbspro-centos7-pbsdev Info: Building Docker image for childers/pbspro-centos7-pbsdev Sending build context to Docker daemon 1.583kB Step 1/2 : FROM childers/pbspro-centos7-base ---> f1c19a89906b Step 2/2 : RUN /bin/true ---> Using cache ---> 98db83c402d6 Successfully built 98db83c402d6 Successfully tagged childers/pbspro-centos7-pbsdev:latest Info: Creating Docker network pbsdev-centos7-ns2.local Info: Creating Docker volume pbsdev-centos7-ns2-vol-opt for shared /opt Info: Creating Docker volume pbsdev-centos7-ns2-vol-build for shared /home Info: Using existing SSH keys in source directory for PBS development containers Info: Creating Docker container pbsdev-centos7-ns2-server Info: Starting Docker container pbsdev-centos7-ns2-server Info: Copying SSH keys and config to /root Info: Running in container pbsdev-centos7-ns2-server Info: Adding user pbsdev with uid of 501 Info: Granting user pbsdev sudo privileges Info: Updating permissions in /home/pbsdev Info: Copying /etc/skel files to /home/pbsdev Info: Updating .bashrc in /home/pbsdev Info: Updating .bashrc in /root Info: Setting core file naming (this affects the host and all containers) kernel.core_pattern = core kernel.core_uses_pid = 1 Info: Stopping Docker container pbsdev-centos7-ns2-server Info: Creating Docker container pbsdev-centos7-ns2-mom1 Info: Starting Docker container pbsdev-centos7-ns2-mom1 Info: Copying SSH keys and config to /root Info: Running in container pbsdev-centos7-ns2-mom1 Info: Adding user pbsdev with uid of 501 Info: Granting user pbsdev sudo privileges Info: Updating .bashrc in /root Info: Setting core file naming (this affects the host and all containers) kernel.core_pattern = core kernel.core_uses_pid = 1 Info: Stopping Docker container pbsdev-centos7-ns2-mom1 Info: Creating Docker container pbsdev-centos7-ns2-mom2 Info: Starting Docker container pbsdev-centos7-ns2-mom2 Info: Copying SSH keys and config to /root Info: Running in container pbsdev-centos7-ns2-mom2 Info: Adding user pbsdev with uid of 501 Info: Granting user pbsdev sudo privileges Info: Updating .bashrc in /root Info: Setting core file naming (this affects the host and all containers) kernel.core_pattern = core kernel.core_uses_pid = 1 Info: Stopping Docker container pbsdev-centos7-ns2-mom2 monkeymonkeymonkeymonkey:pbs-docker childers$